Thursday, September 18, 2008

Should Foreign Political Knowledge Be Required For the Presidency? I think so!

The political blog site Americablog posted a disturbing example of the lack of foreign, along with basic geographic awareness displayed by Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain. Originally aired on CNN, the blog site shows the news clip airing coverage of a radio interview between McCain and a reporter for Caracol 1260, a Latin American news radio station. When asked if he'd be willing to hold a White House meeting with Spain's Priminster Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, McCain was belittled to vague, mumbling answers suggesting that he had know clue of who this man even was. Spain happens to be a NATO ally. Is it too much to ask that whoever may be running for office have knowledge of foreign leaders or at least their geographic location? McCain explained that he's more than willing to cooperate with Latin American leaders who share the same values as he does. That's great to hear, but the question was in regards to a European leader! The one and only question McCain was asked was regarding the possibility of meeting Spain's Prime Minister and his numerous replies still never answered. The annoyingly repetitive "willingness to meet depending on politcal priorites" answer distinctly reminded me of a scene from Ferris Bueller's Day Off when Principle Rooney is at Bueller's front door intercom. Rooney is furiously asking questions only to be answered by the pre-recorded voice of Bueller stating that he is unable to answer to door due to his weakened condition. To see the real-life, but sadder adaptation, here is the link: