Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe The Plumber?

A post by David Neiwert from the left leaning blog site Crooks and Liars commented on Joe The Plumber. For those who are not in the know, this guy is your All-American Joe Six-Pack who had the guts to challenge Obama's tax policies in front of dozens of onlookers along with national news camera crews. At first glance, Joe just seems like a middle-age, middle-class small business owner who disapproves of Obama wanting to impose higher taxes on those who make more than enough money for themselves. This post was created to raise questions about who this fellow actually is and who he actually is working for. It turns out that evidence provided by Martin Eisenstadt, active political blogger and enthusiast, claims that Joe The Plummer is actually Joe Wurzelbacher, close relative to Robert Wurzelbacher, who is son-in-law to Charles Keating. McCain has a very personal relationship with the Keating family. In the 1980's, McCain was submerged in scandal as one of the "Keating Five," congressmen investigated on ethics charges for strenuously helping convicted racketeer Charles Keating after he gave them large campaign contributions and vacation trips. Keating is still known as a dedicated McCain campaign donator. With this lengthy chain of relations, it's very easy to believe that Joe The Plummer, a named dropped by McCain in the last debate, is nothing more than a minion of the faceless figures behind the curtain driven to shut Obama down at all cost.