Thursday, November 13, 2008

The American Dream's "Hypocrisy"

My classmate's blog American Dream makes some brilliant points concerning the nation's vast ignorance. I completely agree and believe our ignorance is the one obstacle which has prevented our society from being even remotely close to an age of enlightenment, which is something I feel we are long overdue for.

I believe that mass ignorance is a control system implemented by those in power in order to indeed keep society from reaching a state of peace and enlightenment. I see, hear, smell, taste, and feel how my surroundings are attempting to poison my intuition and compromise my judgment.

On tv, I see people my age on reality shows binge drinking, fighting, and fornicating suggesting that it's a common and acceptable standard of living. On the radio, I hear both rockers and rappers singing about the exact same things mentioned above. It's almost inescapable.

Ignorance is being pushed onto society, especially towards my age group, the young American. What kills me is how so few actually push back. An intellectual revolution is necessary. However, who would be capable of manifesting such a movement? The President? The Church? Aliens? I'd put my money on aliens.