Thursday, December 11, 2008

Response To Donkeys vs Elephants Blog

My classmate's blog Donkey vs. Elephant has a post regarding homosexuals being unfit for parenthood. I feel I have no choice to disagree with this post. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion regarding homosexual marriage and child raising, but his or her reasoning about the effects on children is nothing more than an uneducated guess unless they have experienced it firsthand. Yes, one could guess that a child raised by a homosexual may have issues concerning a lack of either a maternal or paternal inlfuence.
However it is absolutely impossible to say what WILL happen to a child in those conditions. If proof is needed, then please allow me to present myself as such. My parents divorced when I was three years old for various reasons, one being that my father was not heterosexual. As a result, I was raised in what could be called a "homosexual household."
As I grew up, I was able to see the picture much more clearly. Still, I was raised with an indescribable love and was extremely protected, and I could never in my life say I was negatively affected. I am twenty-four years old and straight as an arrow. I play music, sports, read, draw, participate in my community, and judge absolutely noone's character on the basis of their sexual orientation. I am just fine.
Being fit for parenthood has nothing, I must repeat, NOTHING to do with sexual orientation. I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world to have a life such as mine and to learn so much about the goodness in people. I can easily say that many people with straight parents, whether married or divorced, are raised in much more volatile homes than myself and others like me. So please, consider this in your opinion and be well.